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Our Mission


At The Watch, our mission is to create a powerful global community rooted in prayer, prophecy and pioneering within the Kingdom of God. We believe that through these pillars, we can catalyse a profound spiritual awakening across nations, equipping believers to become bold intercessors and prophetic voices in their nations.


Visionary and Overseer of the Watch Global



Apostle Tobi Arayomi


Apostle Tobi Arayomi is a husband, father, businessman and one of UK's leading apostolic and prophetic voices. He is the Senior leader of Light London, a vibrant London- based church. He is also the CEO of The TAP Institute, through which he trains entrepreneurs to make massive profits with purpose.


Apostle Tobi Arayomi is distinguished in his generation for the prophetic and apostolic mantle on his life and desire to see kings, priests and prophets raised up and activated within their fivefold and the marketplace ministries. He is well renowned for his thought-provoking teachings on leadership, kingdom building, and strategic principles to unlocking generational wealth.


Having pioneered over ten fellowships in the UK and seen the birth of several revivals throughout the world, Apostle Tobi Arayomi is devoted to building the Kingdom and has a burning desire to see others develop their knowledge and pursuit of the presence of God.

Leader and Coordinator of the Watch Global



Prophet Mutsa Samuwi


Mutsa Samuwi is a seasoned minister and Senior Prophet who has served under Apostle Tobi for more than a decade having being trained, mentored and developed in her call.


She has many years of experience in teaching, training and mentoring many in the area of prayer and the prophetic.


Having given her life to Christ at the tender age of 8, she loves the Lord dearly and desires to see his Kingdom established here on earth. As a Prophet her heart is to raise others Prophets who know how to function in all spheres all. She is also passionate about teaching the body of Christ about the prophetic and prayer in a way that accurately reflects the heart of God and advances the Kingdom.
There is such an Importance for where God is bringing us into to have a paradigm shift. King Solomon understood that there was an essential need for a shift in his mindset by asking God for Wisdom . For us to really be effective in the places that God has decreed that we will enter, there needs to be a shift in our mind


 Prophet Mutsa

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